Chipotle says please no guns


Full Access Member
Another back-fire by the "I can open carry anything" crowd.
What do people expect to happen when you carry an AK into their business. I'm pro-2A all the way, but I don't want to have lunch with some strangers AK lying on the table next to me.

I'm all for people's right to carry a firearm to protect themselves, but these ass-hats toting military style assault rifle everywhere is just stupid.
Yes, you made your point, and that is that you are an attention seeking idiot that is doing more harm than good.

It's about the same as these fuktards that tote an AK through town and then post a video on youtube about the cops hassling them. What do you friggin expect?

I occasionally eat at Chipolte, and will continue to do so occasionally.
And just like anywhere else; whether I am carrying a gun or not will be my little secret...
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Super Moderator
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. The attention you're trying to get may just bite you in the rear. You aren't getting the results you're after this way.


Full Access Member
It's awesome that we have stupid people and Youtube for our amusement.

WFT did he think was going to happen?

I guess he has an answer for the "What's the dumbest thing you have ever done?" question......hopefully that is it:Grenade:


Full Access Member
That is the way I felt about working 69,000 volts hand higher. Working 500,000 volts bare hand from helo just didn't ring my bell.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Chipotle just announced they will be raising their menu keep your guns at home while we empty your wallets. Heard their CEO makes $20 million a year on top of it...I still won't visit their restaurants.


New member
As far as carrying in chipotles or any where else for that matter. I can will and do. The only way anyone would know is if I had to use it and at that point the sticker on their door won't be one of my biggest concerns. Crazy people don't care what the rules are and I have a family to think about.
And for the cactus guy WTF. See that's what happens when you put warnings on everything natural selection goes out the window and the realy dumb ones grow up and breed more dumb ones and they make videos of themselves jumping into cactuses then screaming like a girl to post on the net.

The necessary consequence of a man right to life is his right to self defense. -Ayn Rand

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