CCW into banks


Full Access Member
I don't carry a gun to save the world, just me and my family.Many hours spent on school campus and in banks open carrying having only the state 48 rounds qualification. All my private training was just that. Security guards in banks are not protection just deterrents.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I carry into my bank all the time, it's legal to with ccw so I don't even think about it. U never now what's gonna happen and I'd rather have my weapon and not need it than need a weapon and not have it.JMHO....
Concealed 27


Super Moderator
Our banks in this area don't even have security guards. But they do have "Gun Buster" signs. So no, I don't carry inside. I'm sure the bank robbers having seen the gun buster signs will turn and walk away too. That is if they can even read.

I've also been doing work at our local high school. I have to remember on those days to not take my pistol with me. I don't even want it on school property. If for some reason I took it and it gets I'd make national news. Swat teams and helicopters is the last thing I want to see. Even though school is out and the kids won't be back until late August, I just don't want any chance of going there. Zip, zilch, nada!


Full Access Member
I don't go to the bank often but when I do, I carry just like everywhere else. Anymore, it is just part of being dressed. Also, who is to say someone walking into or out of a bank isn't a target.

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