Anti-gun petition

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Let your congressmen know where you stand

Stop the Feinstein's Gun Ban!

Already signed it and forwarded to a few buddys, every one do the same please......We need to be heard.....Thanks to all fellow brother in arms!!!!! Also emailed Rick Scott, FL current gov. who has flip flopped so many times on guns. Before the election he told the NRA and law obeyding citizens he was gonna introduce OC to FL......Never did shit....

Concealed 27
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Full Access Member
Anti-gun ban petition

Good deal. I should've came up with a better title but once the other members see what it is I'm sure they'll sign it
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Full Access Member
Response I got after signing the petition...

Dear Tim,

I keep reading reports in the anti-gun national media that Americans support full-scale national gun registration . . .

I keep reading claims that Second Amendment supporters like you support handing the name of every gun owner in America to President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder . . .

Now, they’re saying polls show that you support giving anti-gun bureaucrats the power to strip American gun owners of their Second Amendment rights at will!

Tim, they’re lying. I know it and you know it, too.

But with the national media spewing the gun-grabbers’ propaganda, issuing sham polls and whipping up anti-gun hysteria into a frenzy nationwide, I’m worried Second Amendment supporters just aren’t getting the facts.

That’s why I hope I can count on you to fill out your No Gun Ban petition IMMEDIATELY.

And if possible, please forward this email to every pro-gun friend and family member you have to help me blow the lid off of ALL the gun-grabbers’ schemes.

You see, yesterday I read a news report that one NRA “A-rated” Democrat -- Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia -- is working on a Senate Bill incorporating many of the worst of the gun-grabbers’ schemes.

In fact, Manchin claimed to be secretly working with the NRA on a scheme to institute universal Brady Registration checks.

This may or may not be true, but it should give us all cause for concern.

Unlike the Feinstein Gun Ban, Manchin’s schemes may sound innocent.

But in each one, the devil is in the details -- and not one of them could have stopped the recent tragedy in Connecticut.

Instead, they’re all designed to “cash in” on the tragedy by RAMMING into law;
*** A so-called “Universal Background Check” National Gun Registration Scheme.

That means EVERY private transfer of a firearm will need a “background check” -- even just passing a hunting rifle down to your son. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the only way to enforce this scheme is to keep records of every gun and gun owner in America.

And everyone knows what firearms registration leads to . . . Firearms confiscation!

*** Legislation “closing” the so-called “Gun Show Loophole.”

As part of their plan to make sure EVERY gun in America is tracked and traced, gun-grabbers are going after gun shows to demonize all private firearms transfers;

*** A National Mental Health Database.

This radical scheme is designed to give federal bureaucrats the power to strip law-abiding citizens of their rights without trial or a conviction by a jury of their peers.

No one wants to confront a madman with a firearm.

But already, 38 states have some form of a mental health database, and records show 100,000 veterans have been stripped of their gun rights by simply acknowledging stress upon returning from war.

And one former Surgeon General claimed that 46% of Americans will experience mental illness in their lives.

Do we really want to strip nearly half of all Americans of their gun rights?

Of course not.

But you can bet President Obama does.

So don’t be fooled.

All the gun-grabbers’ “reasonable-sounding” schemes are crafted to set the stage for their radical ultimate goal -- the outright CONFISCATION of every firearm in America.

Tim, I know this isn’t information you’re getting in the national media.

They’re more than happy to keep spreading the gun-grabbers’ lies.

Right now, we’re facing the biggest threat to our Second Amendment rights in a generation.

So I believe it’s absolutely CRITICAL you understand all the facts behind the gun-grabbers’ assaults.

The National Association for Gun Rights -- with your help -- will fight every one of these radical schemes tooth-and-nail.

But I need to make sure as many Second Amendment supporters as possible know the TRUTH about what President Obama and his anti-gun pals are seeking.

So after you sign your No Gun Ban petition, please forward this email to as many pro-gun friends and family members as you can.

And if possible, I hope you’ll chip in $10 or $20 to help the National Association for Gun Rights stand toe-to-toe with the gun-grabbers and WIN.

Please act today.

Thank you so much for your support.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President
P.S. The media is lying to you.

The truth is, all the gun-grabbers’ “reasonable-sounding” schemes are crafted to set the stage for their radical ultimate goal -- the outright CONFISCATION of every firearm in America.

But first, they need universal gun registration, so they know who has what guns.

I believe it’s absolutely CRITICAL you understand all the facts behind the gun-grabbers’ assaults.

That’s why I hope I can count on you to fill out your No Gun Ban petition IMMEDIATELY, then chip in $10 or $20 to help NAGR stop the gun-grabbers’ assaults.

And if possible, please forward this email to every pro-gun friend and family member you have to help me blow the lid off of ALL the gun-grabbers’ schemes

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